“Clues for An Archive: The University of Chicago, Mexico, the Social Sciences and Language”

Now in it’s 14th installment,  the XIV Reunión Internacional de Historiadores de México is the largest and most important academic gathering of Mexicanist historians anywhere in the world. The conference will take place September 18-21, 2014 in Chicago and is being hosted by the Katz Center for Mexican Studies. The conference theme is Mexico in the World, the World in Mexico.

In the context of this gathering Professor Mauricio Tenorio has authored a pamphlet exploring the intersections between Mexico and the University of Chicago. Drawing inspiration and materials from the Special Collections exhibition that was curated and organized within the context of the conference, “Clues for An Archive” provides rich detail into the lives and work of figures who contributed to UChicago’s emergence as a leader in the social sciences and the study of Mexico.

While “Clues for An Archive” is meant as a companion to the Special Collections exhibition it is a stand-alone testament to the extensively complex influence that Mexico has had in the world, in this case, the world of the University and vice versa.

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