The Mexican Studies Seminar invites visiting and UChicago scholars to present their work in an informal atmosphere, providing Mexican studies faculty and students with the opportunity to debate and discuss scholarly research and inquiry on Mexico from a diverse range of disciplinary perspectives. For more information on upcoming or previous Mexican Studies Seminars: • 773-834-1987
Spring 2021
Seminars will be taking place via ZOOM at 1pm (CST). Please email to receive link ahead of time.
- César Hernández, Ex-Subsecretario de Electricidad, “La reforma eléctrica mexicana y la transición energética,” April 13th, 2021
- Eric Zolov, Stony Brook University, “The Last Good Neighbor: Mexico in the Global Sixties,” April 20th, 2021
- Christy Thornton, Johns Hopkins University, “Revolution in Development: Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy,” April 27th, 2021
Winter 2021
Seminars will be taking place via ZOOM at 1pm (CST). Please email to receive link ahead of time.
- Catalina Pérez Correa, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, “Mexico’s Military Expansion,” January 19th, 2021
- Nicolás Medina Mora, Revista NEXOS, “José Vasconcelos and the Ideology of MORENA,” January 26th, 2021
- Arturo Sarukhan, President, Sarukhan + Associates, LLC and former Mexican Ambassador to the US (2007-2013), “Reset or Turbulence in US-Mexico Relations,” February 2nd, 2021
- Ariel Rodríguez Kuri, Colegio de México, “En Torno a Museo del Universo. Los Juegos Olímpicos y el Movimiento Estudiantil de 1968 (2019)” , February 16th, 2021
- Alejandro Madrazo Lajous, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, “Gral. Cienfuegos and AMLO: A Turning Point for Militarization in Mexico?” February 23, 2021
Fall 2020
Seminars will be taking place via ZOOM at 1pm (CST). Please email to receive link ahead of time.
- Juan Carlos Moreno Brid, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, “The Mexican Economy under AMLO: An Analysis,” October 13, 2020
- Jorge Zepeda Patterson, Sin Embargo & El País News, “Mexican Politics and Society under AMLO: An Analysis,” October 20, 2020
- Jesús Silva Herzog Márquez, Instituto Tecnológico De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey, “AMLO’s Second Year: Populist Politics and the Two Crises,” October 27, 2020
- Adriana Garcia, Office of Mayor Garcetti, Immigrant Affairs, “Connecting the Mexican Population in Large Cities to Vital COVID-19 Resources,” November 10, 2020
Winter 2020
All seminars take place in SSRB #224. Please RSVP in advance by sending an email to: or calling 773.834.1987.
- David Cortez, Notre Dame University, “Becoming the State: (Im)migration Control and the Weaponization of Brown Bodies,” February 18, 2020
- Estefanía Vela Barba, Intersecta, “Sexual Harassment (Law) in Mexico,” February 25, 2020
- Alfredo Corchado, Dallas Morning News, “Homelands in Trump Era: From the Wall to Remain in Mexico,” March 3, 2020
- Aurora Gómez, Colegio de México, “Tortillas in History: From the Slavery of Metate to the Corn Flour Oligopoly,” March 10, 2020
Fall 2019
All seminars take place in SSRB #224. Please RSVP in advance by sending an email to: or calling 773.834.1987.
- Jesús Silva-Herzog Márquez, Tinker Visiting Professor, “AMLO’s First Year: Between Populism and Pragmatism,” October 22, 2019
- Jennifer Josten, University of Pittsburgh, “Rethinking Mesoamerican Monumentality, from Midcentury Mexico City to Chicano Los Angeles,” October 29, 2019
- Zoë Ryan, Art Institute of Chicago, “There is Design in Everything: Six Modernists in Mexico at Midcentury,” November 5, 2019
- René D. Flores – University of Chicago, “Symbolic Ethnicity? The Re-emergence of Indigeneity in Mexico,” November 12, 2019
- José Antonio Aguilar Rivera – Fulbright – Katz Visiting Professor, “Democracy in (the Other) America: Tocqueville’s Reception in Latin America,” November 19, 2019
Spring 2018
- José Merino, Data Cívica & ITAM, “Technology in Processes of Truth and Justice in Mexico,” April 10, 2018
- Matthew Robb, Chief curator at Fowler Museum at UCLA, “Space, Object, and Identity in the City of the Gods,” April 24, 2018
- Carlos Illades, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, “Historia del Marxismo en México,” (This presentation will be in Spanish) May 8, 2018
- Carlos Bravo Regidor, CIDE, “When the Left Becomes Conservative. An Overview of the 2018 Mexican Presidential Election,“ May 22, 2018
Winter 2018
- Milena Ang, Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts, The University of Chicago, “How to jail a governor: Institutions, coercion, and elite accountability in Mexico,” January 30, 2018
- William Barnes, University of St. Thomas, “History as a Construct in Aztec Mexico: Time, Tales, and the Calendar,” February 13, 2018
- Mikael D. Wolfe, Stanford University, “Watering the Revolution: An Environmental and Technological History of Agrarian Reform in Mexico,” February 20, 2018
- Christian Paiz, UC Berkley, “In a League of Brothers: Grower and Farmworker Patriarchies and the Question of ‘Comunidad’ in Chicano Historiography,” March 6, 2018
Autumn 2017
- Reynaldo Ortega, El Colegio de México, “Mexico’s Presidential Elections and the Challenges for Democracy Today,“ October 3, 2017
- Ev Meade, University of San Diego, “The Taken: Violence and Resilience in Sinaloa,“ October 17, 2017
- Estefanía Vela, J.S.D. Candidate, Yale Law School, “Violence against Women in Mexico,” November 7, 2017
- Federico Navarrete, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), “Necropolitics, Racism, and (Failed) Citizenships in 21st Century Mexico,” November 17, 2017
Spring 2017
- Natalia Mendoza Rockwell, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, “Extraction and Extortion as Governance,” April 4, 2017
- Davide Domenici, University of Bologna, “Color Matters: Cultural and Historical Implications of Non-Invasive Scientific Analyses of Pre-Hispanic and Early Colonial Pictorial Manuscripts,” April 18, 2017
- José Orozco, Whittier College, “Receive our Memories: The Letters of Luz Moreno, 1950-1952,” April 25, 2017
- John Lear, University of Puget Sound, “Picturing the Proletariat: Artists and Labor in Revolutionary Mexico 1908-1940,” May 9, 2017
- Carlos López, UNAM, “Genes and the Mexican Mestizo in the Bio-Anthropolocial Sciences,“ May 30, 2017
Winter 2017
- Stuart M. McManus, Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge, The University of Chicago, “The Bibliotheca Mexicana Controversy and the Rise and Fall of Creole Patriotism,” January 10, 2017
- Andrew K. Sandoval-Strausz, University of New Mexico, “Migrantes and Urban Revitalization in the United States: Time to Bring the Mexican State Back In?” February 28, 2017
Autumn 2016
- Marco Antonio Estrada Saavedra, El Colegio de México, “Reforma educativa y protesta magisterial en México,” October 11, 2016
- George Flaherty , The University of Texas at Austin, “Cruising Ciudad de México with Los Caifanes: University and Middle Class Mobility,” October 18, 2016
- María Paula Saffon Sanín, Princeton Society of Fellows in Liberal Arts, “When Theft becomes Grievance: The Violation of Land Rights as a Cause of Agrarian Reform Claims in Latin America,” November 1, 2016
- Erika Pani , El Colegio de México, “Writing a History of the United States in Mexico,” November 15, 2016
Spring 2016
- Agustín Escobar Latapí, Director General, CIESAS, “La migración México-Estados Unidos-México más allá de lo laboral,” April 19, 2016
- Alejandra Leal , CEIICH, UNAM, “Meters vs. Crowds: Technology, Citizenship and (Dis)order in Mexico City,” April 26, 2016
- Ana Diaz , IIE, UNAM, “Title TBA,” May, 2016
Winter 2016
- Alejandro Anaya Muñoz, CIDE, “The State of Human Rights in Mexico: Crisis, Challenges, Solutions,” January 12, 2016
- Dennis Carr, Carolyn and Peter Lynch Curator of American Decorative Arts and Sculpture, Art of the Americas, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, “Title TBA,” February 2, 2016
- Emily A. Sellars, Postdoctoral Scholar, The University of Chicago, “Does Emigration Inhibit Political Reform? Evidence from the Mexican Agrarian Movement, 1916-1945,” February 9, 2016
- Froylán Enciso, Historian, “Narrative for Drug Policy Reform in Mexico,” February 23, 2016
- Angela S. Garcia, Assistant Professor, The University of Chicago, “Legal Passing: Navigating Undocumented Life and Local Immigration Law,” March 1, 2016
Autumn 2015
- Gerardo Esquivel Hernandez, El Colegio de México, “Extreme Inequality in Mexico: Concentration of Economic and Political Power,” October 6, 2015
- Willibald Sonnleitner, Colmex Visiting Professor, University of Chicago, “Title TBA,” October 20, 2015
- Claudia Agostoni, Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, UNAM, “Actors, Strategies and Vaccines: Smallpox Campaigns in Mexico (1920-1952),” November 3, 2015
- Gerry Cadava, Visiting Professor, University of Chicago, “Latin America and the Conservative Latino Imagination,” November 10, 2015
- Gustavo Gordillo, Tinker Visiting Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Title TBA,” November 17, 2015
Spring 2015
- Daniela Spenser, Investigadora, CIESAS, “Biografía de Vicente Lombardo Toledo como una ventana sobre la turbulenta historia de México del siglo XX,” April 21, 2015
- Chad Broughton, Assistant Professor, University of Chicago, “Boom, Bust, Exodus,” April 28, 2015
- Ignacio Sánchez Prado, Associate Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies, Washington University in Saint Louis, “The Golden Age Otherwise: Cosmopolitanism and Mexican Cinema, circa 1950,” May 5, 2015
- Manuel Barbosa, Retired Federal Judge, “From Undocumented Child to Federal Judge,” May 12 2015
Winter 2015
- Jose Angel N., Author, “Testimony of an Undocumented Immigrant,” January 20, 2015
- Paul Liffman, Research Associate, Rice University & Profesor-Investigador, El Colegio de Michoacán, “Megaprojects and Indigenous Territoriality: New Scales, New Publics,” February 17, 2015
- Antonio Escobar Ohmstede, Profesor-Investigador, CIESAS-D.F. “Oaxaca frente el acceso, manejo y control de sus recursos naturales: los Valles Centrales, 1856 – 1936,” February 24, 2015
Autumn 2014
- Miriam Pawel, Journalist, author and independent scholar, “Cesar Chavez – Man, Myth, and Legacy,” October 7, 2014
- Luis Felipe Fabre, Susana Iglesias and Valeria Luiselli, “New Mexican Literary Voices,” October 16, 2014
- Melissa Dell, Professor of Economics, Harvard University, “Path Dependence in Development: Evidence from the Mexican Revolution,” October 21, 2014
- Gerry Cadava, Assistant Professor of History, Northwestern University, “Standing on Common Ground: The Making of a Sunbelt Borderland,” November 4, 2014
- Eliseo Medina, Institute of Politics Fellow; Former SEIU International Secretary-Treasurer, “From the Grape Fields of California to the University of Chicago: My Story,” November 11, 2014
Spring 2014
- Aurora Gómez Galvarriato, Investigadora Asociada, El Colegio de México, “Industry and Revolution: Social and Economic Change in the Orizaba Valley, Mexico,” April 22, 2014
- Paul Ramírez, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Northwestern University, “How the Bourbons Vaccinated Mexico,” April 29, 2014
- Erik Velásquez García, Investigador titular “A”, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas de la Universidad Autónoma de México, “Imagen y Tiempo en el Arte Maya,” May 6, 2014
- Rosario Granados, Post-Doctoral Lecturer, Center for Latin American Studies, University of Chicago, “Remedies for Mexico City: Politics, Aesthetics, and Devotion in a Viceregal Capital,” May 27, 2014
- Guillermo de la Peña, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social (CIESAS) – Occidente, “Social Citizenship and Intercultural Communication: Indigenous Urban Families and the Oportunidades Program,” June 3, 2014
Winter 2014
- Ilan Stavans, Lewis-Sebring Professor in Latin American & Latino Culture, Amherst College, “Spanglish and the Changing of America’s Language,” January 28, 2014
- Pablo Escalante, Profesor, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, “El Arte y la liturgia del siglo XVI en la Nueva España. La Política del sincretismo y el bi-culturalismo de la primera sociedad colonial,” February 4, 2014
- Paulette Levy, Investigador, Instituto de Investigaciones Filológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, “Norman McQuown: A new look at his 1938-1940 Totonac texts. Linguistic documentation ahead of its time?” March 4, 2014
- John Lopez, Postdoctoral Scholar and Lecturer, Dept. of Art History, University of Chicago, “The Aquatic Metropolis: Mapping Water and Urban Form at Viceregal Mexico City,” March 11, 2014
Autumn 2013
- David Huerta, Cátedra Cultura de México-Katz Lecturer (CONACULTA), “El Año 1914,“ October 15, 2013
- Margaret Chowning, Professor of History, University of California, Berkeley, “Catholic Ladies and Culture Wars: Gender, Church, and Politics in Mexico 1750-1920,” October 22, 2013
- Christopher Domínguez Michael, Tinker Visiting Professor, University of Chicago, “Escribiendo una Vida de Octavio Paz,” November 12, 2013
- Lilia Fernández, Associate Professor of History, The Ohio State University, “Brown in the Windy City: Mexicans and Puerto Ricans in Postwar Chicago,” December 3, 2013