DIGITAL MEDIA ARCHIVE – Selection and Quicklinks
Below is a selection of past seminars at the Katz Center. You can also click on the following link to subscribe to our Official YouTube Channel and receive a notification every time a new video is uploaded to our official archive on YouTube.
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Here is a selection of sessions of the Mexican Studies Seminar from recent years currently archived on our Facebook page.
Revolution in Development: Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy. Seminar by Professor Christy Thornton (Johns Hopkins University). April 27th, 2021
Gral. Cienfuegos and AMLO: A Turning Point for Militarization in Mexico? Seminar by Professor Alejandro Madrazo Lajous, CIDE. February 23rd, 2021
Mexico’s Miliary Expansion, seminar by Professor Catalina Pérez Correa, CIDE. January 19, 2021
The Last Good Neighbor: Mexico in the Global Sixties. Seminar by Professor Eric Zolov from Stony Brook University. April 20th, 2021
Museo del Universo: Los Juegos Olímpicos y el Movimiento Estudiantil de 1968, Ariel Rodríguez Kuri, Colegio de México. February 16th, 2021
The Mexican Economy under AMLO: An Analysis, a talk by Juan Carlos Moreno Brid. October 19, 2020
La reforma eléctrica mexicana y la transición energética. Seminario por César Hernández, Doctor en Derecho y Ex-Subsecretario de Electricidad. 13 de abril del 2021
José Vasconcelos and the Ideology of MORENA, seminar by Nicolás Medina Mora, editor at Revista NEXOS. January 26th, 2021
Selection of conferences and lectures by prominent analysts and critics hosted by the Katz Center for Mexican Studies
A Laboratory for the Drug Wars: The Invention of the “Juárez Cartel” in the Era of National Security. April 16, 2019
Human Rights in Mexico. Discussion with Alejandra Ancheita, Executive Director of PRODESC, and Professor Emilio Kourí
February 25, 2015
February 25, 2015
The Economics and Politics of Drugs and Violence in Mexico. A discussion with Gerardo Esquivel, Tinker Visiting Professor at the University of Chicago and professor of economics at El Colegio de México, and Eduardo Guerrero, policy consultant at Lantia Consultores. March 1, 2011
Mexico’s New Economic Prospects, a talk by Graciela Márquez Colín. November 16, 2018
Cesar Chavez, Man, Myth and Legacy. Miriam Pawel. October 20, 2014
The Informal Economy in Mexico. A lecture by Santiago Levy, Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo. May 6, 2010
México: democracia y libertades. Lecture by Carmen Aristegui, Mexican journalist. January 27, 2016
Revolution and Exile in Mexican History: Homage to Friedrich Katz (1927-2010). A book presentation and remembrance. November 4, 2010
Mexico’s Recent Road to Stability
Lecture by Manuel Sánchez, Deputy Governor of the Bank of México. October 20, 2010
Lecture by Manuel Sánchez, Deputy Governor of the Bank of México. October 20, 2010
Access the full symposiums on Friedrich Katz’s legacy in Mexican historiography
Latin American History at UChicago: The Katzworth Years. A conference to reflect on the legacy of John Coatsworth and Friedrich Katz. May 3 – 4, 2013
Audio Compilation: México, su Revolución y su Historia. Recordings of a series of interviews of Professor Friedrich Katz by Claudio Lomnitz, discussing the Mexican revolution in contemporary historical context. 2010